THE GOLFERS JOURNAL - Golf in seiner reinsten Form.
Das Golfer's Journal ist ein Premium-Vierteljahrbuch und bietet eine vllig neue Mglichkeit,Deine Wertschtzung für das Spiel zu geniessen und zu vertiefen. Es ist ein Medienerlebnis, das kommerziell ruhig, redaktionell rein und in seiner eleganten Gestaltung und physischenAufmachung unerreicht ist. Mit 124 redaktionellen Seiten in jeder Ausgabe ist TGJ eine Golfzeitschrift wie keine andere.
Golf in its purest form.
The Golfer’s Journal is a premium quarterly offering an entirely new way to enjoy and deepen your appreciation of the game. It’s a media experience that is commercially quiet, editorially pure, and unmatched in its elegant design and physical construction. With 124 pages of editorial in each issue, TGJ is a golf publication like no other.
Rarely is golf just about getting the ball in the hole. TGJ No. 20 is a meditation on the bigger picture, from a sojourn in Scotland to mourn a son to answering one of life’s toughest questions at Pine Valley. Meanwhile, Tom Doak shares an epiphany at Tara Iti, and a lifelong dream is achieved at Southern Pines. Our celebrated cover artist also paints some much-needed fresh perspective on the game. But as Tom Coyne discovers on his trip to Oakmont, sometimes the score really is the thing.