An impossible choice is offered in a tiny jail before dawnâ"¢and death.An injured U.S. Marine finds himself a stranger in his own life, achild robbed of name or identity inherits a family of millions, andjoyous multitudes throng the roads to ancient Jerusalem. Two mothersexchange babies and change history, Eisenhowerâ"¢s Cow visits a boardmeeting, the CIAâ"¢s top balabuste comes out of retirement, and the Rotbergfamily unwittingly wreaks matchmaking havoc. From the oilfields ofGalveston and the battlefields of Chickamauga, the bonfires of Meron andthe frigid haystacks of the Hungarian border, emerge adventures bothtrue and fictional to entertain, ignite and inspire.
Join the Caravan of Jewish experience. sojourn through travail, throughhope and discovery, and emerge exultant. drink deeply from the oasis ofthe soul and taste history, heritage and destiny, today and tomorrow anda thousand generations glittering across the sky.